ScriptsM RentScooters

ScriptsM Rent Electric Scooters

This script will allow you to rent electric scooter and pay rent cost for activation and every ride minute. You can configure this script as you want


Download a resource (opens in a new tab) from keymaster or buy it by buttons at the top

Install all resource dependencies

Resource start order

It's important for your resources to start in a logical order to prevent errors from missing dependencies.

start yourframework
start your_target_system
start ScriptsM-ElectricScooters


There you can find an config of resource with description for all params

-- Company 1: Lime-S
-- Company 2: Bird
-- Company 3: Wind
-- Company 4: Voi.
-- Company 5: Tier
-- Company 6: Hive
Config = {}
Config.BuyKey = 38 -- buy hotkey if you don't using target system, can be find at
Config.BuyText = ("~g~[E]~w~ To rent, %s$ for activation, then %s$ every minute") -- Buy text if you are not using target system, First %s$ for activate price, second for minute price
Config.ParkText = "~g~[E]~w~ To park scooter" -- Park scooter text if you are not using target system
Config.Framework = 'esx' qbcore/esx
Config.InactiveDespawnScooterTime = 300
Config.UseTargetSystem = true -- true if you wanna use target system, false if not.
Config.TargetSystem = 'ox' -- qb/ox
Config.TargetText = ("Rent Scooter, %s$ for activation, then %s$ every minute") -- Text for qb/ox interaction system. First %s$ for activate price, second for minute price
Config.TargetParkText = "Park Scooter" -- Park scooter text if you are using target system
Config.UseCustomNotify = true
Config.ShowBlips = true
Config.BlipSprite = 348
Config.BlipColor = 0
Config.BlipText = "Rent Scooter"
Config.ShowSelfScooterBlips = true
Config.SelfBlipSprite = 348
Config.SelfBlipColor = 5
Config.SelfBlipText = "Your Scooter"
Config.CustomBoughtTicketNotification = function()
TriggerClientEvent('t-notify:client:Custom', source, {
    style = 'message',
    title = 'Rent',
    sound = true,
    message = 'Thank you for renting a electric scooter',
    duration = 5500
Config.CustomHaveScooterNotification = function()
    style = 'message',
    title = 'Rent',
    sound = true,
    message = 'You already have an electric scooter, park a scooter to rent another',
    duration = 5500
Config.CompanyPrices = { -- there you can set a prices for every company. Activate is the price for activate an scooter, minute is cost for every minute. Important!!! This config is not full, when you purchase script you don't need to do anything if you don't need custom locations, you already have 32 around all state.
	{company = 1, activate = 50, minute = 1},
	{company = 2, activate = 51, minute = 2},
	{company = 3, activate = 52, minute = 3},
	{company = 4, activate = 53, minute = 4},
	{company = 5, activate = 54, minute = 5},
	{company = 6, activate = 55, minute = 6},
Config.Locations = { -- There you can config an locations of electric scooter spawns and company
{coords = vector3(561.48, -1558.33, 29.22), heading = 335, company = 3},
{coords = vector3(562.48, -1558.33, 29.19), heading = 335, company = 3},
Config.Blips = { -- There is locations of blips and target coords, Important!!! This config is not full, when you purchase script you don't need to do anything if you don't need custom locations, you already have 32 around all state.
{coords = vector3(561.48, -1558.33, 29.22)},
{coords = vector3(315.2336, 169.3154, 103.8098), heading = 203.16793823242, company = 1},